About this Event
200 Civic Center Dr, Charleston, WV 25301
https://www.chaswvccc.com/events/2024/wv-construction-and-design-expoThe Region's Largest Trade Show for the Construction & Design Industries.
The WV Construction and Design Expo is all about helping you find better, faster, smarter, cleaner and more efficient ways to get things done. Get a snapshot of the latest and greatest products and companies in the design and construction industries.
Even with all our modern communication tools, nothing can take the place of seeing and comparing equipment and services in person. At the Show, you can get the information you need directly from the experts, and build relationships with suppliers.
EXPO has become a meeting ground for numerous trade associations and professional societies. A number of impressive speakers and seminars are offered at EXPO to round out a complete educational experience. Most seminars offer continuing education credit.
EXPO has something for everyone in the Construction and design industries. So come out, meet, greet, eat and have fun!
For more information visit: http://wvexpo.com/
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